Gold Eur/oz

Kraunama ... 

Silver Eur/oz

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Au2024-07-272199.57 €/oz Ag2024-07-2725.73 €/oz
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Gold for investment

As the history proves - gold is a good investment ant tool of preserving capital. Wise people always hold a portion of its assets in the form of gold (coins, bullion and so on). This will help avoid more losses and preserve at least a portion of its assets in hard times.
Gold - a global currency that is bought and sold around the world. In many countries gold make up the bulk of the financial reserves. Pure gold is the right way to diversify your investment, especially since the investment in gold purchases and sales are not subject to VAT. In addition, as you will not have to pay investment management, transfer and other taxes, your property managers.
Depending on your existing assets and the amount of income, but also on the investment skills, it is advisable to invest in gold from 5 % to 25 % of your overall financial assets. Howeve:
Do not invest the borrowed funds ;
Gold is a long term investment (at least 5 years) , tied with your life and / or market economic cycle and recommended to buy gold not for short speculative purposes ; **
Last year, on the gold price came very different factors. However, this does not guarantee that it will be held forever. Anyone having the experience, assets and income, and goals - he himself should take a suitable decision.
Collecting golden or silver coins - it's not just a hobby, but also a profitable long-term investment. Coins prices can grow not only on the appreciation of gold or silver, but with time acquired the numismatic value. This can become a beautiful tradition that is passed on to the next generations.
There are many coins you can be interesting in - some historical events in the country, the rulers, the Eastern calendar signs and so on. Every year is getting released on the themes of the new coins or additional existing collection. Coins are always limited, and the price is usually higher than the nominal price of the coin. Before you start collecting coins - we recommend a thorough examine your chosen topic of collecting, consult with experts in the field and to assess your financial resources.
 * The cost of investment in gold is regarded as (LR VAT Act, Section 4):
 > At least 995/1000 pure gold ingots, slabs and plates, are recognized in the international precious metals markets, if the ingot , slabs or plates,                   weighing not less than 1 gram;
 > At least 900/1000 pure and minted later than 1800, the gold coins that are or have been used in their country of origin as a means of payment and         are normally sold at a price not exceeding the gold coin market value by more than 80 percent.

** Who seek short-term speculative purposes, we recommend looking into alternative investments in gold or other precious metals ways - shares or exchange-traded funds. There is a fairly large selection of top quoted producing and / or streams of gold and / or other precious metals     companies. And while such an investment is not completely analogous to the net investment in gold, but these companies or fund value is generally correlated with gold or other precious metals. In order to diversify the risk should not choose a particular company's shares - in this case, to better suit the relevant Index ( XAU , HUI , GOX , JSE Gold or other ), or with the related Fund ETF (Exchange Traded Fund called). 

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