Gold Eur/oz

Kraunama ... 

Silver Eur/oz

Kraunama ... 
Au2024-07-272199.57 €/oz Ag2024-07-2725.73 €/oz
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Gold saving program

Gold saving program designed to invest in pure gold (bullion). The idea is very simple - if you want to make an additional investment in pure gold you can simply replace existing smaller gold bar to a larger one. In this case is paid just the difference between the acquisition of variable gold bar and selling price.


Why is this useful?

>You can constantly and consistently increase the amount of saving;
>Do not pay commission and also you are not losing money by selling existing gold and then buying a larger bar;
>The change is useful in both cases - rising and declining the price of gold on world markets.
» Bar must be replaced in perfect condition and the original packaging;
" Change happens only in the company office established under the rules of buying.
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