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Au2024-06-072152.51 €/oz Ag2024-06-0728.13 €/oz
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Stanislaw Leszczynski, 2007

Stanislaw Leszczynski, 2007

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17.0000000 Kg.
AU / 920
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Leščynskis Stanislaw (1677-1766) - King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania in 1704-1709 and 1733-1736, Duke of Lorraine. Originally from the Polish nobility, one of the most important tribes of the Great Poland . In 1698 married Catherine Opalinskaite and became one of the richest noblemen of the Republic .

Since 1699, Like his father, was a Voivode of Poznan . Since Charles XII in 1709 was defeated of the Russian army at Poltava, Stanislaw Leszczynski in 1710 February 4 emigrated to Prussia , and then to France. According to Vienna of peace in 1738 Stanislaw Leszczynski abandoned claims to the throne of the Two Nations . After 1736 Crown refusal lived in France , the king's life sentence was appointed Duke of Lorraine and Bar . While lived in France, wrote political and philosophical treatises , they justified Two Nations management reform. In Nancy is equipped his funds ( now - Stanislaus ) Square Leszczynski 1831 . built the monument.

Mintage of only 500 pieces - Considered to be the lowest in the history of the coinage struck in France. This allows you to treat the coin as extremely rare.


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