Gold Eur/oz

Kraunama ... 

Silver Eur/oz

Kraunama ... 
Au2024-07-272199.57 €/oz Ag2024-07-2725.73 €/oz
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I-V 9-16 hrs.

Storage and care of gold

1. Gold, silver and other valuables should be kept in safes:
› individual banking safe is when its annual rental value does not exceed 1% of the value of the property.
› In the other cases, choose a special home safe.
2. Pure gold bars and high grade coins are very soft, their surface and even the form itself can be quite easily damaged (scratches, bends, etc.) due to decrease the value of gold bars. Here are some tips on how to avoid this:
› If you plan to sell the bars-never open the standard containers and not remove bars out of them.
› Keep gold bar (coins), so that they do not touch each other.
› If you need to touch the gold bar (coins)-make it using a clean special gloves. Remove the bar (coins) only in a clean environment and place them on a clean, soft surface (velvet suits would be the best).
› Keep in mind that even pure and simple material or a simple sheet of paper may damage the surface of 900 and higher grade of gold.
› Bar (coins) always hold by the edges only.

3. For gold, silver, and for other coins we recommend special cleaning by the "Albenverlag GmbH & Leuchtturm co. KG company . 

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