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Danish 20 kroner Christian XI Gold Coin

Danish 20 kroner Christian XI Gold Coin

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Purchase price:
BDK20XX0009 (15%)
8.0645400 Kg.
AU / 900
Coin weight::
Gold weight:
Diameter, mm:

DANISH 20 kroner, Christian X

The obverse portrays King Christian X. Around his effigy is the text “CHRISTIAN X KONGE AF DANMARK” which translates as “Christian X King of Denmark”. Under the king’s neckline is a small heart, which is the mark of the Royal Danish Mint, the year of mintage, and the signature of the master engraver “VBP”.

The reverse depicts the coat of arms of Denmark. It is extremely rich in detail and contains different animals on a shield draped with an ermine cape and topped with a crown. The animals are a symbolic representation of individual regions of the kingdom. The coat of arms is half encircled by the year of mintage, the denomination “20 KRONER”, and the privy mark of the mint, and the signature “VBP”.

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